Monday, January 08, 2007

Back to School

The tennis courts at NIE have all been resurfaced, according to schedule. NUS has still to get its act together regarding the tennis courts.

The school term has begun again, and there's less tennis for me this time around. I'm on the NTU floorball team, and our first IVP game is this Wednesday night against SMU.

At least, with floorball, the rain can't stop us!

Also playing for NTU Hurricane in the Singapore Floorball League (Division One). There's a match practically every weekend.

I guess this also means that the holidays have ended, and I have to confront the fact that I have done almost no programming over the holidays. All I did was write a Bash script to rename files in a folder (e.g. DSCN0045.JPG becomes DSCN1045.JPG if I want an "offset" of 1000).

Now to write a lesson plan to teach the multiplication rule for probability (for independent events).

By the way, I bought a floorball stick. The picture there is pretty small, but that was the only one I could find online. Feeling a little too lazy to take a picture of my stick. I had it shortened by about 4cm because the 101cm shaft was too unwieldy.

For these five weeks before the teaching practicum, I have classes at 8:30am for four days a week, except Thursday, which starts at 10:30am. But classes all end by 12:30pm every day!

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