Monday, August 01, 2005

Because we love our land, and we want it to be free...

I was complaining on Friday about a funeral procession that took up the entire left lane of a 3-lane road. This was in Yishun, on the main road that runs beside the MRT track. So there were probably 100 people walking slowly, with a few vehicles somewhere in the mix. People carrying a coffin, banging on drums and cymbals and the like. I was felt to be insensitive to complain about this. But must they take the main road? It completely kills off left turns for several minutes!

Got to use my new tennis racquet on Saturday. I feel like saying the string tension feels too low. Was feeling better in the evening, so decided to play after all. Cancelled the morning session, though. Andy joined us this time, he used to be school team in Secondary School. gz was able to make it also, and it was fun. 4 is a great number for tennis. 4 is also the number of points you need to win a game (unless you get to deuce).

Intending to write a letter to Straits Times or something about how public buses are in desperate need of upgrades. So many of their buses are out to bust our eardrums. The brakes are worn so thin it's metal against metal. What's the use of TV Mobile if your hearing has gone to bits before you've even boarded the bus?

On Thursday, went to see MO. Took afternoon off to rest at home. Met Aaron and Jasper that evening for dinner. Went to work on Friday morning, was feeling better. Went for PSC Career Fair in the afternoon. Then went for dinner with lovey and her parents. On Saturday went to Sim Lim, bought a graphics card for office and ordered a replacement projector lamp, also for the office.

Went to Mass with lovey this morning (Sunday), went my granny's place in the evening. She's ok, can move her arms about, can be fed solid food. There art thou happy. I'm almost fully recovered now, I don't feel sick, but still have a sore throat and a stuffy nose. At least I don't feel weak and no more muscle aches.

I think the crucial reason why public toilets get really dirty is the "dirty cascade". Someone gets it dirty then the next person at best leaves the toilet no worse than he/she found it, but more likely makes it worse in response to the bad state.

Tag-board seems to be down. Can't read it.

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