Friday, August 20, 2004

partition resizer

the partition resiszing is going well, the program has a nice and simple UI, and it seems to know what it's doing. the ultimate test is to see if anything's damaged, but probably everything will be fine. it's still running, taking some time because i'm moving quite a bit of stuff around, but managed to free up more than 4.5 GB of space for debian "woody" .

working on the desktop now, naturally. i shouldn't be sleeping too late tonight, for i plan to go blading in the late morning, then come back, freshen up, and meet jasper. freshen up. i've never actually used the phrase, it's usually something my mom tells me to do.

i think i've kinda settled down and started applying myself. here i am about to install debian linux, looking forward to hacking and heartache (from frustration), and i also intend to bring a book around with me to read while waiting (so i at least attempt to read all those books gathering all sorts of tropical microbes on my shelves), and i intend to go rollerblading, which should improve my fitness ever so incrementally.

i think i can only do about 2 or 3 pull-ups now, which is nowhere near acceptable if i go back to OCS. of course, it's much more fun working on my computer.

there is still a stream of ants on the wall. chickens from malaysia are banned because they discovered bird flu there. and the malaysians are saying it's ok one, don't so kiasu. it's pretty much the same thing with any business, the one selling the stuff is usually more interested in making money than watching out for the people the stuff is being sold to. which is why unnameable ingredients go into animal feed, and a few wounds and sores on an animal aren't enough to keep it away from the dinner table. and that whole big "unsafe at any speed" business with the cars from Ford.

the TV content providers have found what kind of TV programming really sells, and it's sad. it's the creation of "real" human drama, and singapore idol is milking this to the point of exaggeration. and the process of selecting and ridiculing participants is dragged out as long as possible for maximal airtime.

but, such is TV. how lovely it would be if i had cartoon network and adultswim. it's semi-interesting to play roller-hockey sitting on a castor-wheel chair.

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