Saturday, November 27, 2004


Couldn't really stand it anymore, so I cut the hair behind my head last night with scissors, then today at work the level 2 boss say I cut until damn funny so got one of my colleagues to even it out for me. So got free haircut.

Was out with Jasper just now. He's moved into the NUS hostel, and hasn't got his computer yet but he'll be getting a laptop soon. He says the NASA pillow isn't all it's cracked up to be. He says the Polar Express is a very nice, inspiring show. He says Clarissa is no longer the one, though the coin always says she is.

I'll be going to the course on Monday in civilian attire and just say that I wear civilian to work. Was tasked to do this thing at work today but didn't do it, and it's needed urgently, so need to do on Monday, but Monday I'm going for course, so in the end Eugene has to do it because he's the only NSF going to be at work on Monday morning. I feel bad, but what to do?

Might be getting a new cellphone. My lovey is about to be an aunt!

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