Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Disturbing Luck

Watched "Divergence" just now, quite gruesome, quite random and confusing. Kill here kill there plots here twist there... got home in time to catch CSI, tonight's episode features a case right out of a nightmare. A body buried in the sand up to the neck, face slashed deeply to attract wild animals.

It's official, our WITs project has been deemed the Best WITs Project (Admin Category) in MINDEF! There was some mention that the prize will be awarded during the MINDEF PRIDE Day. I'm really lucky to be in this position. My bosses were looking for someone to improve the program, and they decided that I would be that person, though my programming experience is largely informal (though it did start with doing a simple simulation in C++ for a research project).

Did you know there are high quality tennis racquet strings made from cows' guts? Rather disturbing, but afterall, soccer balls and such are made from cows' skin, and shuttlecocks from goose feathers, etc.

Playing basketball tomorrow evening, if it isn't cancelled. Can I seriously be faulted for such a disclaimer? I mean, it's reasonable, and it doesn't exactly make the statement meaningless simply because it is tautological. Right?

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