Monday, March 21, 2005

Day 0

Listening to Avril Lavigne belt out "so much for my happy ending" as I'm on the SIA plane to Brunei. Took off in style, the pilot doing his pilot speak, the flight crew busy with their if-we-crash-demo. We're still not in army fatigues so we don't quite look the part of organized terrorists.

The food was ok, still, not much of a last meal. Touchdown, in many senses, was just the beginning of our departure. The journey to camp took forever, endlessly unfolding like a magician's cloth. Boarded a bus, disembarked at a pier, took a ferry to another horizon, and finally a 3-tonner to our destination.

When we got their my spirits were weary and shrivelled from anticipation. It was not even out first day. Unpacked stores, saddled up, given another run-through of the operation. The air was muggy and the ground muddy.

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